Bruce the Black Cockatoo Art Print

How a Brand Came into Being During a Global Pandemic.


It was just before Covid hit that I gave ex colleague, graphic designer and friend, Boris, a call with a personal job.

I had seen a framed black cockatoo art print on a very very popular website which cost a GREAT deal of money, so I did a reverse image search and found the original image on the internet and bought it. Boris was going to make that image look the way I wanted, and ultimately create the awesome Bruce, which we now sell here on the website in various sizes at a far more accessible price. Anyhooooo, our prices and how make print sizes that fit standard frames is a blog post for another time!

So, you may or may not know that Woolston Design is a new brand of Woolston Printing. Woolston Printing is a family business with a 95 year history based in Launceston, Tasmania. At the time I spoke to Boris about Bruce’s creation I had not given a single thought to Woolston creating a new brand that was dealing directly with the public. What I was thinking about was the yellow tailed black cockatoos that everyone in my family of 5 refers to as “mum’s (my) friends”. I live very close to the bottom of mountain just outside Launceston and, as legend has it, the black cockatoos fly down from the mountain when rain is on its way. I will purposely head out to have a chat to them when I hear them calling from the pine, which seem to be their favourite, or the apple trees out in the front garden (pictured). Of course everyone in the house teases me mercilessly as I sing out “hellooooooo” to these beautiful birds. It’s very difficult to get a good picture of a black cockie. I should know, as I have been trying to catch this gang in action for 3 years now. That’s where Boris came into the picture.

Bruce the Black CockatooBlack Cockatoos at HomeBlack Cockatoo Print at Home

Boris took the image I had purchased of Bruce and changed it to look just how I wanted, and a little bit different to that one that I had seen online. I didn’t want it to be as neon as that. I got my colleagues downstairs on the print floor to print Bruce off for me, and then I hung him in a frame from shhhhhhh 🤫 Kmart. He’s A1 size, so that is pretty big. I’m not crazy about the Kmart frame, but it will do for now. He and Sebastian the rubber plant have been enjoying each others company in the tiny dead corner of our living room. I’m not sure what else I will do here, but ideas are brewing away in the back of my mind.

I sent the picture above of Bruce and Sebastian at my place to everyone at work. They loved him and someone floated the idea of putting him up on the e-commerce part of the Woolston Printing website, where we sell some business products. Yes, it was weird at first, and then we put up a few more prints, sold a couple, started thinking about other consumer products, built a new website for our design products only, and here we are, Woolston Design. It is still very much early days for us here, but we are enjoying the ride so far.

I respond to all orders and enquiries myself and any questions at all are welcome!

Stay Safe

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